

Puppy Primary School Dates

- FRIDAYs at 5:40 pm from the 17th of September until the 12th of November (no class on the 1st of...


The last 2in1 course this year

Start: Sunday the 19th of September at 10:30 AM, last class: 14th of November (no classes on the 3rd of...


2in1 - Adolescent dog classes -August dates

- SATURDAY 1pm - from the 7th of August until the 9th of October (no class on the 11th of September and...

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Karin & Roger with Maera

When we started the first puppy class with our Belgian Shepherd, Maera (then aged 3 months), we saw the list of skills on the blackboar...

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Magdalena & Rob with Fen

Dogs and the City is a very friendly and professional service. We just moved from Chicago and brought our dog with us. Unfortunately th...

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Lizzy and Stuart with Wilma

Gosia is a brilliant trainer and great at passing on all of her wealth of knowledge to her dog owner pupils. We saw such a difference i...

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